Get REDDY: The Podcast Series
The world’s forests are critical in the battle against climate change. Forests capture carbon pollution from power plants, vehicles, and other sources. Around the world, people in indigenous communities that depend on forests for their livelihoods want to protect their lands from destruction by outside activities. They are supported in their efforts by programs like REDD+. Implemented by the World Bank and other organizations, REDD+ understands that trees are more valuable standing than cut down. Hear community leaders tell their experiences with preserving their forests and control of their land, on our podcast series, Get REDDY. Get REDDY is an information program on REDD+ by and for Indigenous Peoples and local communities, produced by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) of the World Bank. Featuring Indigenous Peoples and local communities working on REDD+, Get REDDY shares accessible, easily understandable information and knowledge about climate change, REDD+, and results-based climate finance to help communities in their engagement with REDD+ programs and activities.
Get REDDY: The Podcast Series
Episode 7: Get REDDy: Rantai Nilai Hijau: Bahasa Indonesia
Developing Radio Partners
Petani kakao di Ghana mengalami peningkatan hasil panen yang signifikan sebagai hasil dari program yang mendorong mereka untuk menanam pohon peneduh di lahan kakao mereka. Sembari meningkatkan pendapatan mereka, mereka juga membantu iklim. Pelajari di sini di Get REDDy.